Matthew 18:15-20 and I Corinthians 6:1-8 instructs us to live at peace and to resolve disputes in private or within the Christian church. I acknowledge my concern that the limited charitable resources of PS72 should not be dissipated on wasteful litigation. Therefore I expressly waive my right to file a lawsuit in any civil court or other secular setting against PS72 and other organizations and all individuals involved with this mission trip.
I hereby release all leaders and organizations involved with this mission trip from any and all legal liability. I hereby waive all my rights to any legal liability, on the part of PS72 or any other individuals or organizations involved, which liability may result from sickness, injury, or death that may occur on or relate to this trip. I fully realize that there are hazards, and I am fully assuming these risks, including but not limited to, hazardous travel, poorly constructed roads, animal attacks, dangers resulting from military or political activities, sickness, disease, inadequate health care, kidnapping, arbitrary imprisonment, and all other unforeseen risks.
I specifically release PS72 and all concerned from any claim of negligence in their duties as leaders, or otherwise, on this mission trip. In the event that I attempt to make a claim in violation of my release and waiver as herein indicated, I hereby agree to, and shall pay, all legal fees and costs incurred by PS72 and other individuals and organizations involved.
I hereby further acknowledge my responsibility to provide my own insurance coverage of any and all types, including but not limited to, medical, hospitalization, life, disability, death, lost baggage, lost or stolen personal property, and any and all other insurance which I may need or desire. I also hereby release PS72 and all leaders and organizations involved with this mission trip from responsibility to provide insurance coverage of any and all types.
I hereby further authorize the leadership of PS72 to make essential decisions on my behalf with respect to medical treatment, emergency surgery, or hospitalization, should such be necessary. However, PS72 shall in no way be responsible or liable for payment of any and all bills for such medical treatment. I assume the full responsibility for any and all medical bills incurred related to this outreach. My estate and my family shall further assume full and total cost for the return shipping of my body should I die by any cause on this trip.
I further agree wholeheartedly to abide by decisions made by leaders and all those in authority and by all guidelines, policies, and rules pertaining to this trip, including but not limited to PS72 team policies.
I have read and am in full agreement with this release and waiver, and fully understand that I am: waiving any rights I may have to litigate and sue; accepting full responsibility for all insurance, all medical costs, and all risks related to this trip; authorizing PS72 to make medical decisions if necessary; and agreeing to read and abide by all guidelines, policies, rules, and leadership decisions pertaining to this outreach.
I certify that all the information I have given on this team registration form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.